Not far from Merlin’s tomb, this modest fountain is said to have been quite majestic in the past, surrounded by very large stones. Apparently, this place was once used by druids as a place of worship. According to nineteenth-century scholars, the new-borns of each year were counted by druids during the summer solstice, washed in the fountain and their name inscribed on the register, the marith. These fountains were called “Jaouanc”, “youth” in the Celtic language. Parents unable to bring their child in the year of his or her birth could register him or her the following year; the child was then considered to be a new-born and was thus a year younger! Such is the tale of the fountain of Youth and its so-called rejuvenating power…
But after all, why not give it a try?
For eternal youth, you will need to follow these steps:
Quite simple, isn’t it?
Depending on your level of perfection, you will become a few seconds, minutes or hours younger, or for those luckiest ones, a few years’…
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