The Garden of Broceliande

the garden of broceliande, Plants mean fun !

The Garden of Brocéliande, rated in the top 10 of Bretagne’s touristic sites, promise you surprising sensory experiences…

Feet naked, blindfolded and with your head in the clouds, enjoy 24 acres of greenery at only 15 minutes from Rennes ! 

Botanic enthusiast ? There, iris and camelias of all kind will please your eyes ! Lover of fun activities with your family ? Come and try the sensory parcours “Wake up your feet”  and “Activate your senses”, dare tickling the top of the trees, or take a bath in the clouds…. Walk through diverse natural spaces (asian garden, educational pond, english garden…) and share an exciting green day !


The Summery : cultural and artistical programme for the sunny days

More than a dozen of street performance shows for all ages are scheduled every sunday, at 4PM, with no added price.

A few pictures

saut des animaux Jardins de Brocéliande dahlias_jardinsdebroceliande_brealsousmontfort poulailler-epicerie-jardins-broceliande reveille-tespiedsjardins-broceliande Jardins-Broceliande-tire-portrait-gaelle-bizeul Jardins-Broceliande-reveille-tes-pieds-gaelle-bizeul-211 Jardins-Broceliande-file-la-haut-gaelle-bizeul-109 Jardins-Broceliande-aire-jeux- gaelle-bizeul-09